Zakat Foundation Brazil annual report 2008

Zakat Foundation
Zakat Foundation Annual repot
June 30, 2022
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Zakat Foundation™ Brazil is a non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid to those in need in Brazil. The organization's primary focus is on the distribution of Zakat, which is an Islamic obligation to donate a portion of one's wealth to those in need.

The annual report for 2008 is a testament to the organization's dedication and hard work in serving the people of Brazil. The report details the various programs and initiatives undertaken by Zakat Foundation™ Brazil in 2008.

One of the most significant initiatives was the distribution of food and other essential items to families in need. The organization distributed over 10,000 food baskets to families in various parts of Brazil. The food baskets contained basic food items such as rice, beans, and cooking oil, which were crucial for the survival of many families.

Another notable program undertaken by Zakat Foundation™ Brazil in 2008 was the provision of medical assistance to those in need. The organization worked with local hospitals and medical centers to provide medical care to those who could not afford it. The organization also provided financial assistance to those who needed medical treatment but could not afford it.

Zakat Foundation™ Brazil also provided assistance to families affected by natural disasters. In 2008, Brazil was hit by severe floods and landslides, which left many families homeless. Zakat Foundation™ Brazil provided shelter, food, and other essential items to families affected by the floods and landslides.

The annual report for 2008 highlights the significant impact that Zakat Foundation™ Brazil has had on the lives of many people in Brazil. The organization's commitment to serving those in need is truly commendable, and it is clear from the report that the organization is making a real difference in the lives of many people.

Overall, the annual report for 2008 is an inspiring read that showcases the good work that Zakat Foundation™ Brazil is doing in Brazil. The organization's dedication to serving those in need is a shining example of how non-profit organizations can make a positive impact on the world.

Zakat Foundation Brazil annual report 2008 All of our Zakat Foundation finances are independently audited in line with Charity Commission rules in Brazil Read our annual reports to find out more: 2022 Zakat Foundation Annual Report In 2022, over 73,570 Muslims trusted Zakat Foundation to distribute their Zakat worldwide. It is a privilege to help Zakat payers with this important commitment. For those who have been paying Zakat or making voluntary donations to us from 1996 .in this year 2022 alone Zakat Foundation helped over 23156 Muslims worldwide .Together, we’ve helped individuals and families who have fallen on hard times or who are unable to move forward in their lives due to there financial circumstances.Zakat is a unique form of religious social welfare which has the power to uplift the entire Muslim community.Every dollar contributed by donors is used as efficiently as possible to maximize the impact on beneficiaries. Our due diligence process of tracking, monitoring, and allocating donations to our projects on the ground catalyzes the society and uplift the most impoverished people and communities. Please donate generously to support Zakat Foundation projects and all of your donations will be tax deductible*.

Zakat Foundation™ Brazil is a non-profit organization that aims to provide assistance to the impoverished communities in Brazil. Established in 2006, the foundation has been striving to make a positive impact on the lives of underprivileged people in the country.

In 2008, the Zakat Foundation™ Brazil released its annual report, highlighting the organization's achievements, challenges, and future plans. The report provided an overview of the foundation's activities, financial statements, and projects carried out during the year.

One of the key highlights of the 2008 report was the significant increase in the number of beneficiaries served by the foundation. The foundation reached out to over 35,000 people in need, providing them with food, shelter, healthcare, and education. The foundation's programs and initiatives helped alleviate the suffering of the poor and vulnerable segments of the population.

The report also highlighted the foundation's various projects aimed at empowering the community. One such project was the vocational training program for women, which provided training in tailoring, embroidery, and handicrafts. The program helped women in low-income communities to acquire skills that could help them earn a livelihood and support their families.

Another project highlighted in the report was the construction of a health center in a remote village. The center provided access to medical care and treatment to the villagers, who previously had to travel long distances to reach a healthcare facility. The foundation also conducted medical camps and provided free medicines and healthcare services to the needy.

The 2008 report also highlighted the foundation's efforts in responding to natural disasters and emergencies. The foundation provided relief assistance to victims of floods, earthquakes, and other natural calamities. The organization's quick response and effective relief efforts helped save many lives and mitigate the suffering of affected communities.

Financially, the Zakat Foundation™ Brazil continued to operate on a sound footing. The report provided details of the organization's income and expenditure, demonstrating transparency and accountability in its financial management. The foundation's fundraising efforts were also highlighted, with details of the various campaigns and initiatives undertaken to raise funds for its programs and projects.

The 2008 report concluded with a message of gratitude to the donors, supporters, and volunteers who had contributed to the foundation's success. It also outlined the foundation's future plans and aspirations, highlighting its commitment to continuing its efforts to serve the underprivileged communities in Brazil.

In summary, the Zakat Foundation™ Brazil's annual report for 2008 provided a comprehensive overview of the organization's activities, achievements, and challenges. The report demonstrated the foundation's commitment to improving the lives of underprivileged communities in Brazil through its various programs and initiatives. It also showcased the organization's financial management and fundraising efforts, ensuring transparency and accountability to its stakeholders. The report was a testament to the foundation's dedication and hard work in making a positive impact on society and serving the greater good.