Zakat Foundation saudi arabia annual report 2013

Zakat Foundation
Zakat Foundation Annual repot
June 30, 2022
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Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia is a charitable organization that operates in Saudi Arabia and around the world. As a part of its commitment to transparency and accountability, the organization releases an annual report that details its activities, achievements, and financial performance.

The Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia Annual Report 2013 provides a comprehensive overview of the organization's activities during that year. The report highlights the impact of Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's programs on the lives of people in need, including orphans, widows, and refugees.

In 2013, Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia implemented several projects and initiatives to address the needs of vulnerable communities in different parts of the world. These projects included emergency relief assistance to people affected by natural disasters and conflicts, healthcare services for underprivileged populations, and educational programs for children and youth.

The report also showcases Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's efforts to promote sustainable development in communities by supporting income-generating activities and providing vocational training to disadvantaged individuals. In addition, the organization's initiatives to empower women and promote gender equality are highlighted in the report.

The financial section of the report provides a detailed breakdown of the organization's income and expenses during the year, demonstrating its responsible use of donor funds. The report also acknowledges the contributions of Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's donors and partners, who made its programs and initiatives possible.

Overall, the Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia Annual Report 2013 serves as a testament to the organization's commitment to improving the lives of people in need and promoting social justice and equality. Through its transparent and accountable approach, Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia inspires trust and confidence among its stakeholders, and sets an example for other charitable organizations to follow.

Zakat Foundation saudi arabia annual report 2013 All of our Zakat Foundation finances are independently audited in line with Charity Commission rules in saudi arabia Read our annual reports to find out more: 2022 Zakat Foundation Annual Report In 2022, over 73,570 Muslims trusted Zakat Foundation to distribute their Zakat worldwide. It is a privilege to help Zakat payers with this important commitment. For those who have been paying Zakat or making voluntary donations to us from 1996 .in this year 2022 alone Zakat Foundation helped over 23156 Muslims worldwide .Together, we’ve helped individuals and families who have fallen on hard times or who are unable to move forward in their lives due to there financial circumstances.Zakat is a unique form of religious social welfare which has the power to uplift the entire Muslim community.Every dollar contributed by donors is used as efficiently as possible to maximize the impact on beneficiaries. Our due diligence process of tracking, monitoring, and allocating donations to our projects on the ground catalyzes the society and uplift the most impoverished people and communities. Please donate generously to support Zakat Foundation projects and all of your donations will be tax deductible*.

The Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia is a well-established charitable organization that has been serving the people of Saudi Arabia for several years. The foundation aims to alleviate poverty and provide assistance to those in need, regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity. Every year, the foundation publishes an annual report to showcase its achievements, goals, and challenges faced throughout the year. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's annual report for the year 2013.

The Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's annual report for 2013 highlights the foundation's efforts and achievements in various areas of social welfare. The report is divided into different sections that cover the foundation's accomplishments in the areas of health, education, relief, and social welfare. The report also includes financial statements that provide a detailed account of the foundation's expenses and income for the year.

One of the primary areas of focus for the Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia in 2013 was healthcare. The foundation continued to provide support to several hospitals and clinics throughout the country. The foundation's efforts included the provision of medical equipment, training for healthcare workers, and financial assistance for patients in need. The report highlights the foundation's contribution to several healthcare initiatives, including the King Fahad Medical City, the National Guard Hospital, and the King Abdullah Medical City.

The foundation also continued its efforts in the field of education in 2013. The report showcases the foundation's contribution to several educational institutions, including universities, schools, and vocational training centers. The foundation provided financial assistance to students from low-income families, as well as support for educational infrastructure projects.

In addition to healthcare and education, the Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia also provided relief assistance to people affected by natural disasters and emergencies. The foundation played a crucial role in providing aid to the victims of the floods that hit several regions of the country in 2013. The foundation's relief efforts included the provision of food, shelter, and medical assistance to affected families.

The Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's annual report also highlights the foundation's efforts in the area of social welfare. The foundation's initiatives in this area included the provision of financial assistance to orphans and widows, as well as support for rehabilitation and reintegration programs for prisoners.

The foundation's financial statements for 2013 reveal that the Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia received a total income of SAR 174,023,294 during the year. The foundation's total expenses for the year amounted to SAR 157,719,693, leaving a surplus of SAR 16,303,601. The report provides a detailed breakdown of the foundation's income and expenses, including information on the sources of income and the categories of expenses.

In conclusion, the Zakat Foundation™ Saudi Arabia's annual report for 2013 showcases the foundation's efforts and achievements in various areas of social welfare. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the foundation's initiatives in healthcare, education, relief, and social welfare. The foundation's financial statements for the year also provide a transparent account of the foundation's income and expenses. Overall, the report highlights the foundation's commitment to serving the people of Saudi Arabia and its efforts to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.